Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Car Builder

Car Builder (1982 Simulation Game)

Find Acs-Hand-Out \ IT \ #Tools \ CarBuild - copy to your onedrive
In order to run Car Builder 
you will require: DOSBox for Google chrome

Search for it and load it. After loading it you should see an APPS section in the bookmark bar. 


  1. Launch the Chrome app
  2. Click the ? in the bottom right corner of the DOSBox window
  3. LOOK TOP RIGHT Choose to: Delete C:\ drive contents
  4. CLICK ON: Import local directory to C:\ drive
  5. Find your onedrive CarBuild - click OK
  6. SHUT down then Restart APP
IF --> the screen pops up all black
go to ? - choose configure DOSBox (Advanced)
place a '#' infront of output=opengl    ---   # output=opengl
click SAVE
  1. Type: cd carbuild
  2. Type: car
Grading Rules:
  • All cars must have a body.
  • Point System     C  B  A    (BONUS: A+ on the fastest cars - if you are the only person)
  • NOTE   C-   B-    A-    if you omit your blog URL or decal or both
  • Your points may change with the latest results. Be prepared to adjust your car.

FOUR DAY project
  • Build your car
  • All cars must have a body
  • Test your car
  • ALWAYS add your name as a DECAL
  • Screenshot, resize then add URL
  • POST with title describing the car and goal
  • Under the image place a caption for which car it is and the goal you were trying for especially if you are posting more than 1 screenshot in a post.
  • for example  "100 mph car 4 seats" or "Fastest Sedan (4 seats) 177 mph"

DAY 1:

  • 100 mph car (2) seats
  • Slowest car 2 seats 53 mph
  • fastest minivan (6 seats ) 166 mph
Post: 3 cars with captions
DAY 2:

  • 100 mph sedan (4) seats
  • Slowest minivan (6) seats 45 mph
  • fastest sedan (4) seats 177 mph
Post: 3 cars with captions
A:   100 mph car 2/4/6 seats
B:   +- 1 mph
C:   +- 2 mph
A:   slowest car  2/4/6 seats
B:   + 1 of slowest speed
C:   + 2 of slowest speed
DAY 3:

  • 100 mph Minivan (6) seats
  • Slowest Sedan (4) seats 45 mph
Post: 2 cars with captions
DAY 4:
  • Fastest Car (2) seats 195mph

Post : 1 car with caption
A:   fastest 6/4 seats car
B:   within 10 mph of fastest car
C:   within 20 mph of fastest car
A:  Fastest 2 seat car
B:  within 20 of fastest car
C:  within 40 of fastest car

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