Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Animate CC - Pong Game -Part 1 & Part 2 -setup - ball

Animate CC - Pong Game
Part 1 and Part 2

Pong Part 1 -setup the stage

Actionscript 3.0 – stage: black – FPS: 60 – W 550xH 400
Ball (white is optional)
- edit the symbol and make the ball spin in 20 frame
Draw a (white) circle – hold shift key – in properties –set size to 10x10
– convert to symbol – ‘Ball’ – movie clip

Draw a vertical (white) rectangle – in properties – set size to W:10 x H: 50
– convert to symbol –‘paddle’ – movie clip
-duplicate symbol

-edit each paddle symbol and make the colours blink(#1) and change(#2)
Add an extra paddle to the stage – drag from library
Position these items on the stage
In properties of the:
Paddle left (X: 20 Y: 200)
Ball (X: 275 Y: 200)

Paddle right (X: 530 Y: 200)


Pong Part 2 - the ball moves

Name your games pieces:
Paddle left : -in properties- <instance name>: playerPaddle – note the capital P for Player
Paddle Right : -in properties- <instance name>: cpuPaddle – note the capital P for Player
Ball : -in properties- <instance name>: ball – note the lower case b for ball
Paste the following
var ballSpeedX:int = -3;
var ballSpeedY:int = -2;


function init():void
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);

function loop(e:Event):void
    ball.x += ballSpeedX;
    ball.y += ballSpeedY;

    //because the ball's position is measured by where its CENTER is...
    //...we need add or subtract half of its width or height to see if that SIDE is hitting a wall

    //first check the left and right boundaries
    if(ball.x <= ball.width/2){ //check if the x position of the left side of the ball is less than or equal to the left side of the screen, which would be 0
        ball.x = ball.width/2; //then set the ball's x position to that point, in case it already moved off the screen
        ballSpeedX *= -1; //and multiply the ball's x speed by -1, which will make it move right instead of left

    } else if(ball.x >= stage.stageWidth-ball.width/2){ //check to see the right side of the ball is touching the right boundary, which would be 550
        ball.x = stage.stageWidth-ball.width/2; //reposition it, just in case
        ballSpeedX *= -1; //multiply the x speed by -1 (now moving left, not right)


    //now we do the same with the top and bottom of the screen
    if(ball.y <= ball.height/2){ //if the y position of the top of the ball is less than or equal to the top of the screen
        ball.y = ball.height/2; //like we did before, set it to that y position...
        ballSpeedY *= -1; //...and reverse its y speed so that it is now going down instead of up

    } else if(ball.y >= stage.stageHeight-ball.height/2){ //if the bottom of the ball is lower than the bottom of the screen
        ball.y = stage.stageHeight-ball.height/2; //reposition it
        ballSpeedY *= -1; //and reverse its y speed so that it is moving up now


-add your name and a title on a different layer
Now: Type CTRL-ENTER to test
Use WINDOW KEY + G – record your part 2 stage in action

Upload to convert to a GIF and Post it.

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