Friday, May 24, 2019

Animate CC - Pong Game Part 5 & Part 6 -collisions

Animate CC - Pong Game 
Part 5 & Part 6

Part 5 -Collisions

If the ball and the playerPaddle share the same space then the ball’s speed is reversed by multiplying by -1 (do you remember the maze game?)

This code goes just above of the other code in the function loop. It tests to see if the ball is moving left (negative number that is < 0) so the ball does not get stuck behind the paddle. The CPU paddle is treated similarly. Except the ball will be moving to the right or have a positive value…so we test for that.
hit F9

The Code:

if( playerPaddle.hitTestObject(ball) == true ){
    if(ballSpeedX < 0){
        ballSpeedX *= -1;

} else if(cpuPaddle.hitTestObject(ball) == true ){ //add this
    if(ballSpeedX > 0){
        ballSpeedX *= -1;


Do not forget the last bracket!

Part 5b
Now to add some functionality. This first function tests for ball angle and sets the y speed to a number between 5 and -5 depending on where on the paddle it hits. Add this function above the function loop NOT inside the loop like the others.


function calculateBallAngle(paddleY:Number, ballY:Number):Number
    var ySpeed:Number = 5 * ( (ballY-paddleY) / 25 );
    // (ballY-paddleY) / 25 will be between -1 and 1 depending on where the ball hits

    return ySpeed;

Do not forget this last bracket.
 Now REPLACE the playerPaddle and cpuPaddle hitTestObject code we just added (in 5 above) with this


if( playerPaddle.hitTestObject(ball) == true ){
    if(ballSpeedX < 0){
        ballSpeedX *= -1;
        ballSpeedY = calculateBallAngle(playerPaddle.y, ball.y); //add this

} else if(cpuPaddle.hitTestObject(ball) == true ){
    if(ballSpeedX > 0){
        ballSpeedX *= -1;
        ballSpeedY = calculateBallAngle(cpuPaddle.y, ball.y); //add this


Do not forget this last bracket.

Part 06 –scoring points
Start with ZERO, if you miss a ball the other gets a point.
Add these variable where the others are –at the very top-:

var playerScore:int = 0;
var cpuScore:int = 0;

now add points – look for the following code then make these changes:

the CODE:

//first check the left and right boundaries
if(ball.x <= ball.width/2){ //check if the x position
      ball.x = ball.width/2; //then set the ball's x position
      ballSpeedX *= -1; //and multiply the ball's x speed by -1
      cpuScore ++; //increase cpuScore by 1
} else if(ball.x >= stage.stageWidth-ball.width/2){ //check to see if         ball.x = stage.stageWidth-ball.width/2; //and set the         
      ballSpeedX *= -1; //multiply the x speed by -1
      playerScore++; //increase playerScore by 1     

This will not show up anywhere. We need to add a display for the scores. Note the capitals!
With the text tool write Player Score: 0 – check its properties and set to Dynamic Text and instance name to: playerScoreText
Write CPU Score: 0 –dynamic text – instance name: cpuScoreText
Add a new function – above the other new function (ball angle)
To avoid an error message we need to add a font
Choose – TEXT –Font Embedding
Find your font –check box uppercase, lowercase and numerals

– click the + sign (top left ish)
we added
Here’s the code:

function updateTextFields():void
    playerScoreText.text = ("Player Score: " + playerScore);
    cpuScoreText.text = ("CPU Score: " + cpuScore);

Do not forget the last bracket.
Make some changes to your code again:

//first check the left and right boundaries
if(ball.x <= ball.width/2){ //check if the x position               
    ball.x = ball.width/2; //then set the ball's x position                      
    ballSpeedX *= -1; //and multiply the ball's x speed                      
    cpuScore ++; //increase cpuScore by 1
} else if(ball.x >= stage.stageWidth-ball.width/2){ //check to see if            
    ball.x = stage.stageWidth-ball.width/2; //and set the x position to that,               
    ballSpeedX *= -1; //multiply the x speed by -1 so that the ball is now moving left
    playerScore++; //increase playerScore by 1

CTRL-ENTER to play
WINDOW KEY + G to record
download as an animated GIF


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