Friday, June 7, 2019

Game Journalism Work Day 1 - Basics

Game Journalism Work Day 1 - Basics

Note: name the world with the "date -1" etc...
 you might die - a  lot 

put captions in your images

DISPLAY for your readers 
the BASICS of the GAME

When you post information - talk to your BLOG readers - give them information - don't make excuses - talk about the game only

What is this game about? - explain your situation and what you see- add image

How do you collect debris?

  1.  explain plus [IMAGE] 

  1. Your raft [IMAGE] 
  2. each type of debris [IMAGE] -what's it good for?
  3. a shark eating your raft [IMAGE] 

Why did you die and what do you need to do about it? 

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