Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Khan Academy - Javascript - Animation Basics

Khan Academy - Javascript - Animation Basics

Be prepared to POST your animation

Should you choose the built-in video capture
window-G then record you get an MP4
1. Upload video 2. convert to Gif 3. crop gif 4. removed frames - 5. SAVE


Challenge: Exploding Sun

  • MAKE sure you INDENT 3 (three) spaces everything inside the draw function
  • also use camelCase to create new variable names

Note: the size is EXTRA small to give time to start the video CAPTURE

Exploding Sun
Spin-off of "Challenge: Exploding Sun"
DO NOT copy my code

Challenge: Parting Clouds

use of += and -= in the draw function

Parting Clouds: Spin-Off

I also moved an image object

Project: Shooting star

I used random()

Friday, February 22, 2019

Khan Academy - Javascript - Variables

Khan Academy - Javascript - Variables

BuckTooth Bunny
BuckTooth Bunny

BuckTooth Bunny -spinOff larger ear

BuckTooth Bunny -medium size negative tooth

BuckTooth Bunny -small

funky frog

Funky Frog Spin-off

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Friday Post -February 22, 2109 - JavaScript -Peaceful Scene

Using Khan Academy: CODE THIS...

I envision a peaceful scene. It is of a sailboat on a lake. There is an island in the distance and a seagull in the sky. Looks like there are fish in the water. The sun is shining but slightly obscured by a cloud. The name on the boat is "UNRULY".

  Image result for a sail boat kids drawing    Image result for a sail boat kids drawing 

Image result for drawing sailboat kids  Image result for drawing sailboat kids

Khan Academy - Javascript - Coloring

Khan Academy - Javascript - Coloring

Go to Khan Academy

  1. make sure your name is in the CODE section as a comment  
  2. after completing the challenge - add something EXTRA from what you learned - your extra marks come from these changes
  3. The projects can be a real showcase of skill - do your best.
  4. Code must have a comment to explain what the code means - your marks also come from these comments
  5. Do not copy my code - come up with your own ideas.
  6. take screen shot using the SNIPPING TOOL showing your code and drawing

Challenge: Sunny Snowy day

Snowy Sunny day

Sunny Snowy Day Spin-Off
Sunny Snowy day -Spin-Off
BASED ON: Rick and Morty 

Project: What's for Dinner?
What;s for diner

Here's my background code - altered

<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #33cc33 0%, #DA70D6 30%, #ffa500 50%, #8B4513 70%, #cc00cc 100%);">


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Khan Academy - Javascript - Drawing Basics


Go to Khan Academy

sign up

chose computer programming


Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation

-whenever there is a challenge or project- 

-use the snipping tool-

if it's animated use Chrome Capture

- POST your results-

  • proceed to the next item down the list

  1. make sure your name is in the CODE section as a comment  
  2. after completing the challenge - add something EXTRA from what you learned - your extra marks come from these changes
  3. The projects can be a real showcase of skill - do your best.
  4. Code must have a comment to explain what the code means - your marks also come from these comments
  5. Do not copy my code - come up with your own ideas.
  6. take screen shot using the SNIPPING TOOL showing your code and drawing


CHALLENGE Simple Snowman
basic snowman

SPIN-OFF of Snowman
Snowman Plus
'Ellipse Items'
 Waving Snowman Challenge
basic wave
waving snowman spin off
waving snowman plus added line and rect

Monday, February 4, 2019



1. What is an infographic? Give a definition - best to use your own words (no mark otherwise)

2. 4 examples (in a table) - make it colourful

4 Infographic Examples

try this: <table border="10" bordercolor="blue">

Consider the layout of the examples, choice of colours, images and words. Make your infographics as pleasant to look at.

3. Create your own - use photoshop
   1500 w x 1000 h
 - use of layers
 - naming layers
 - cropping tool
 - filters
 - text tool

title of 1st infographic: 

About me

title of 2nd infographic:

How-To Guide
(a step by step instructional infographic)

title of 3rd infographic:
About This

TOPICS for the 3rd:

Woodstock 50th anniversary

Howard Schultz


Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday Post Feb 1, 2019

Friday Post Feb 1, 2019
Information Technology

 for each question - write 3 sentences - add images - then embed a YouTube video 
 place your answers in a table 

1.  What do you already know?

2.  What do you want to learn?

3.  How will computers fit into your future?